The initiative

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growing sussex local growers to leverage advanced wireless technology for a smarter, more sustainable future

From glasshouses to vineyards, nurseries and aquaculture, Growing Sussex is working to envision a new era in food production, blending 5G connectivity and cutting-edge technology to create smarter, sustainable agriculture. We are co-developing an innovative ecosystem that unites telecom and technology partners, educational centres, and commercial producers to advance future farming and growing practices.

Our mission is to increase sustainable food and drink productivity by leveraging cutting-edge technologies and data driven decision making. By placing education at the heart of our approach, we will ensure that the workforce anticipates and embraces technology in the workplace.

This strategy generates a cyclical demand for investment within the sector, driving continuous advancement.

Through complementary test and trial opportunities at real-world commercial growing sites, we aim to demonstrate to telecom suppliers the compelling need to provide replicable and affordable wireless connectivity.

The Growing Sussex 5G Innovation Region project is a groundbreaking step toward modernising food production through technology.

this can transform the local sectorS and promote sustainable and efficient food production nationwide.


Growing Sussex is modernising food, wine and plant production through digital technology and the collection of data to drive decision making. Better informed growing practices will produce greater yields at lower financial cost and with less harmful impact on the environment.

Growing Sussex will showcase how technological innovation and a digitally skilled workforce can support economic growth and environmental sustainability and guarantee longevity of these important local sectors.

Creating demand for scalable 5G expansion

We aim to stimulate demand for the scalable expansion of 5G and wireless infrastructure across these rural sectors, showing telecommunications suppliers the compelling need to provide affordable wireless connectivity. We are exploring viable commercial models to support more food and drink producers to confidently invest in digital connectivity.

Data driven decision making supporting food and drink growing practices

Collecting and analaysing data to enable reactive decisions will support improved yields and efficiencies. Data management and decision taking will be game changing for the sector, guaranteeing quality production of crops delivered on time and in response to consumer demand.

Providing a qualified, digitally skilled workforce

We are catalysing change with sector stakeholders across education and business to accelerate digital transformation to train and employ digitally skilled growers, land managers and data scientists. This new growing workforce will support sector innovations in IOT, AI, automation- from cultivation to supply chain management- including packing, tracking and logistics.

Fostering a 5G ecosystem through Innovation and data sharinG

We will cultivate a thriving 5G ecosystem by promoting innovation and data sharing. We are collaborating with suppliers and adopters to develop sector-supporting products and services that enhance synergy between technology providers and the food production sector.

Growing Sussex's vision


Feeding the growing population and the effects of climate change are adding to the urgency of pursuing environmental sustainability.

The UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology states that: “the need for increased food production and nutrition, without degrading our environment, is one of the greatest challenges facing society today.”


The British Wine Industry increased planting of grapes by 74% over the past 5 years.


Extreme weather, diseases, pests, conflict, economic shocks, international trading relationships and consumer demand are the major drivers of food insecurity.

Government statistics indicate that self-sufficiency has declined over the last 30 years. Sussex has the largest concentration of vineyards in any country, partly due to it’s unique climate.


In 2022 the UK was self sufficient in 60% of domestic food production, a reduction from 78% in 1984


Labour shortages persist across the industry, especially in rural locations.

This is a result of high UK employment levels and a reduction in temporary workers coming to the UK from the EU, Russia and the Ukraine.


Vacancy rate per 100 employees increased to 6.3% (Food and Drink Federation, 2022) but Sussex employs 10k FTE employees in food, drink and plant production.


The Sussex Local Skills Improvement Plan identified a shortage of digital skills in the region, with employers highlighting this as critical to their businesses’ successful futures.


Brinsbury College has introduced 2 new specialist courses in digital technologies in animal care and agricultural industries

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growing sussex